Back room gay bars chicago

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He found a partner shortly after starting his stint behind the bar, and was still working for Dr. I believe he had once studied in Jesuit college or seminary and his coming out was quite an event on top on his moving to Chicago and then working in a busy Chicago gay bar. he was a young, tall kid I hired at the Men's Room, I think from Kansas (no Dorothy puns here) or Nebraska. He was the only disc jockey I knew that had that type of musical magic over the 200 leathermen jammed on the Ozone dance floor dancing in unison like animals, instead of just wearing them. He could make a room full of leather-clad men, more suited for a night of intimate cruising, throw off their chaps and dance like contestants-in-waiting for Dance Fever. All I can say about Mark, or Turtle, as his friends called him, was when he was on, he was the best disc jockey of that time. 'Mark Hultmark was the DJ at Ozone and then for a time at Christopher Street I believe, or the bar incarnation after C-Street. This article shared 9333 times since Wed Sep 10, 2003

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