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“We’re experiencing strong discrimination because people have this shortcut of stereotyping, and linking LGBT persons to sexual predators,” she said. Ça a duré 6 ans.- Nicolas Martin January 22, 2021įlora Bolter, co-director of the Paris-based rights group l'Observatoire LGBT+ de la Fondation Jean Jaurès, told FRANCE 24 that many gay victims of sexual abuse have felt forced to stay silent about their experiences for fear it would cause a backlash against the LBGT+ community itself. Puis par des pénétrations forcées, de l’humiliation, et du dégoût a mesure que mon corps devenait pubère. Il en avait 16 et demi et un corps d’adulte. #metoogay J’avais 11 ans, et un corps d’enfant.

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